
How to create a Linux-based cloud server with password access

Creating a Linux-based Cloud Server with password access

In the main menu of Customer Portal, go to the Cloud Servers → Create & Manage section. Click the «Create server» button at the top right corner of the screen.

Enter your cloud server's name, choose the region, choose the appropriate Linux distribution and other options. Select «Password» in the «Authentication method» section and click «Create Cloud Server» at the bottom of the page.

Connecting to a Linux-based Cloud Server with password access

After the server is provisioned, an email with a password to access the server is sent to the email addresses of the "Primary" and "Technical" contacts in your account (See the Contacts section).

You won't receive an email with the password if your email address is not listed as "Primary" or "Technical" in the Contacts section!

Please use the provided password to connect to the server for the first time. You must connect as the root user when you connect for the first time.

To connect, open Terminal on Mac or Linux or Command Prompt on Windows. Enter the following command:

ssh root@IP

Where "IP" is the external IPv4 address of your cloud server. You will find that address in the email with the password and on your server's details page in Customer Portal.

Enter password. When you log in for the first time, the system will ask for a password change. After you enter the new password, the server is ready for operation.

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