
How to order an additional IP network for a Dedicated Server

Order additional IP addresses for a dedicated server

To order additional IP-addresses for a dedicated server, use the following instructions:

1. In the control panel, go to Dedicated Servers >> Manage section. web navigation menu highlighting server management

2. In the My servers section, select the required server and click the Details button across it.

servers list with details button highlighted

3. On the server page, in the IP Addresses block, click the Allocate alias IPs button.

Network interface for allocating alias IP addresses

4. In the “How many IPs to allocate?” section, is specified the number of additional IP addresses required. For a dedicated server, you can order up to 64 additional IP addresses.

Dialogue box for allocating alias IP addresses with pricing

5. Click the Save button.

Web interface for allocating alias IP addresses with cost detail

6. Additional IP-addresses will be allocated within 5 minutes.

Order additional networks for a dedicated server

To order an additional network for a dedicated server, to use the following instructions:

1. In the control panel, go to Dedicated Servers >> Manage section. sidebar menu with manage option

2. In the My servers section, select the required server and click the Details across it.

Web interface showing a list of servers with details blurred

3. On the server page, in the Additional networks block, click the Add network button.

Add additional network to a server

4. In the Network type section, select the type of additional network you need: public or private. In the Size item, select the desired network mask. Under the “Network mask selection” box, specify how many additional IP addresses will be allocated to the server after ordering the network with the selected mask.

Adding a public network dialog box

5. Click the Add button.

Dialog box for adding an additional public network

6. An additional network will be allocated within an hour.

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